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Below is a Virtual Playbook of Topical Quotes and Comments by Coach Galyn Wiemers.

·       It is easy to mistake waiting and lack of action for faith when in reality faith produces work.

·       You can’t do everything, but you can do something. You are not God, but you can do something that God would do and you can do something someone has been praying about. 

·       Your goal, your purpose, your dream will always include the answer to the question, “Who can I help?”

·       Instead of pointing out a problem, fix it. Instead of talking about the solution, do it.

·       God uses the man who is willing to do something and is willing to become something.

·       When it is your responsibility, control the circumstance. And, always control the climate of your life.

·       Prayer is crucial, but so is planning, preparation and performance. When I read the Book of Acts, the thing that impresses me is not Paul’s prayer life, but his tireless labor and continuous effort.

·       This is not recess at school where you didn’t get picked for a team or have been ignored by the other kids. God has chosen you, Jesus has died for you and the Spirit has filled you! You have been “picked” and not ignored. So now, if you don’t get to play it is your own fault! Go get in the game!

·       Look at what you do and listen to what you say. Ultimately, what you do is who you are and what you speak is how you think.

·       A man has to do more than hear and understand the Word of God, he also must do it. The Word of God is a seed, not magic beans.
Angelic beings observe and understand the manifold wisdom of God as it is revealed in man’s dramatic transformation.
·       If pastors do not teach and people do not know, then the question must be asked, “What is it that the pastors want their people to apply in their lives?”

·       If application is not preceded by teaching and if action does not follow knowledge, then the application is false and the action is void of any spiritual value.

·       It is time the church armed their men and gave them a strategy, instead of giving them points of application and distracting them with activities.
·       The Apostles knew that the fertile field that produced the fruit of righteousness was a soul sown with the seeds of Truth.

·       The apostles were appointed and sent to proclaim and explain the final phase of special revelation.
The corrupt pattern of this age not only molds people into wickedly immoral lives, but also teaches them to reject the good and decent in exchange for an ascetic life style.
Confidence comes from truth and ability; Arrogance is the product of self-centeredness and fear.
·       Get help! When you need advice, then ask.

·       Remember these words of Jesus: “Ask and it will be given to you.” Have you asked about your problem, concern or need? Have you been seeking the answer and knocking on the door?

·       There is no shame in asking questions since this is where answers come from.

·       We live in a big world, so there is an answer, there is a solution and there is a way. Seek, knock and ask until you find it.

·       Sometime identifying the right question is as close to the answer as you can get on this side of history. 

·       Sometimes the best answer is to simply listen to the question. If you don’t have the answer, you can at least share the desire to know.
·       What you think is who you are. What you meditate on is who you will become.

·       What you talk about and how you communicate creates the atmosphere you live in.

·       Smile and be kind to other people. This creates a fertile environment both internally and externally.

·       Refrain from talking about negative things.

·      Friends are an important factor concerning your attitude, behavior, direction, motivation and passion. 

·       Your bad attitude can misrepresent your insight as criticism and redirect attention away from your ability to contribute.
The Lord is searching for someone to use. Let him show himself strong in you.
·       There is a great future for believers. And, we will be there.

·       As a believer it is no longer me alone, but it is Christ living in me to form himself to do his will.

·       The keys of the kingdom of God reside with believers. Unlock the potential!

·       As a believer your eternal hope is secure. Since your future is established, begin living a productive, fruitful life now, here today.

·       Things can always be better, but as a believer in Jesus Christ nothing can remove our reason for ultimately being thankful.

·       Since as a believer in Jesus Christ you have a supernatural life source, you should be manifesting some exceptional personal character qualities every day.

·       A mature believer constantly uses the Word of God to lead their live, make decisions, motivate good behavior and produce good works.

·       Satan knows that if allowed to grow to fruition the Word of God will produce a hundred fold in the believer’s life.

·       Although a believer enters the kingdom of God at the new birth, they do not gain the knowledge of God or the council of God until it is presented and understood.

·       Believers cannot think like this age and still produce the fruit of the Spirit. The formula does not work that way.

·       Believers have the hope of the coming Kingdom but also the responsibility to serve our nation today.
Getting closer to God will always benefit you and will never harm you.
Be aware that what you say can be divided and rearranged by others.
It is time to get a Bible and start taking it to church. If you do not use it there, then it is time to find a new church.
·       Everything will change. Everything!...except the Lord.

·       Stabilize constant change with faith in the unchanging Truth.

·       You can’t do everything, but you can do something. You are not God, but you can do something that God would do and you can do something someone has been praying about. 

·       Repetition of godly behavior will change situations, relationships, life and history.

·       The most effective way to make change (including in yourself) is to accept and seek responsibility.

·       The desire to change is the beginning of making that change.
·       Your choices are who you really are.

·       Your inner character is real; your reputation is an opinion. Yet, what you are and what people see are both important.

·       Since as a believer in Jesus Christ you have a supernatural life source, you should be manifesting some exceptional personal character qualities every day.

·       The brightest light is brightest at its source. Likewise, your character should be greatest at home and among those you work with each day.

·       Who you really are will eventually be known. What you hide will ultimately be revealed. Live accordingly.
·       You will make choices today that will open doors and develop options for future opportunities. Or, your decisions today could close doors and eliminate answers and prospects you will search for, but will not find, tomorrow.

·       Chose to help someone today. Be the answer to prayer. Speak words that change hearts.

·       Your choices are who you really are.

·       Small choices and the little details establish the habits and character that determine destiny.

·       Every choice has consequences and every decision produces a reaction…make it a priority to anticipate consequences and reactions.

·       Do what is right in every area of your life – taking responsibility for all your choices.
·       Most church services would be rejected by the FDA for not providing the required nutritional value necessary for spiritual growth.

·       The church needs to be as clear in identifying the means of spiritual growth as they are in proclaiming the means of salvation.

·       The soul (mind) of a man in a church that does not teach the Word of God will be left to feed on a worthless form of spiritual nutrition.

·       The primary purpose of the church is to teach the mystery of God, first, to Pagans, and, then, to believers.

·       It is shortsighted idolatry for a church to follow the cowardly spirit of this age and neglect teaching the Word of God.

·       If pastors do not teach and people do not know, then the question must be asked, “What is it that the pastors want their people to apply in their lives?”

·       It is time the church armed their men and gave them a strategy, instead of giving them points of application and distracting them with activities.

·       Carnal weapons such as tradition, philosophy, ritual and entertainment will not penetrate the fortress of false reality barricading the human soul. Only the Word of God can dismantle these fortifications and eradicate the rebel forces of falsehood.

·       It is time to get a Bible and start taking it to church. If you do not use it there, then it is time to find a new church.

·       The purpose of the church is to communicate the revelation of scripture to believers.
As a believer it is no longer me alone, but it is Christ living in me to form himself to do his will.
·       Two things determine your current situation. Circumstances and decisions. Fortunately, your decisions can overcome circumstances.

·       Know the difference between enjoying the moment and living for the moment.

·       There is a time to remember and learn. There is a time to forget and let go.
·       Your commitment often follows your passion. And, your passion is maintained by giving it attention and thought.

·       Be concerned about your level of dedication. Others will follow you, which would make you the leader.

·       Leaders are dedicated. Followers find leaders.

·       Stick to your mission and execute your game plan. In the long run today’s situations and setbacks will give way to victory.

·       Spend more time doing what you are good at.
·     Communicate clearly. Decide what you want to say then state it plainly so there is no doubt what your intentions are.

·       If people continually misunderstand your words or your intentions, then maybe you are not clearly saying “yes” when you mean “yes” and “no” when you mean “no.”

·       When you think you are right, try to see the other side before you speak.
·       Love seeks to give. If you want to change your local environment: start giving and stop taking; start thinking about potential not problems; start helping instead of complaining.

·       Be the person to solve problems instead of the one pointing them out.
·       Compassion was one of the emotions that moved Christ to interact in people’s lives. We should also experience compassion for those in despair and have the courage to engage their situation with hope and action.

·       Interact with people today by showing them respect, compassion and interest in their thoughts and life.
·      Confidence comes from knowing the truth. But, even greater confidence comes from obeying the truth.

·      Preparation increases confidence.

·       You must know your purpose and have assurance that the Lord is with you.

·       The Lord has already gone before you into your day and your night. Be bold, fear not and look for his presence.

·       Whatever you do it should be done with faith in God and confidence in yourself, his creation.

·       Confidence comes from truth and ability; Arrogance is the product of self-centeredness and fear.

·       The first key to self-esteem is obedience to God, and the second is knowing you are living a life with purpose that pleases God. 

·       Lack of knowledge and inexperience are both sources of confidence. This is a false confidence that is dangerous, but confidence none the less.
·       Disagreement does not originate from the same motivation as rebellion.

·       Prepare your words, a strategy and have a resolution ready before you enter into a conflict or a confrontation.

·       A quarrel can be ended in one of two ways: 1) Say “I’m sorry,” 2) Forgive and forget.
·       Isolate your confusion by clearly identifying it with questions. Then start researching sources and seeking specific council.

·       Your purpose and motivation are clarified during times of challenge and confusion. Press on!

·       Sometimes the confusion in life can be controlled by cleaning and organizing your house or your desk or your garage. Chaos can infiltrate, but order can multiply.

·       Just like the sun is still burning on a cloudy day, so it is with God’s will during times of confusion.

·       Sometimes the answer to the problem, the resolution to the confusion and the source of encouragement in the midst of despair is sleep. Sleep is not a sign of laziness, but an indication of discipline. Really, sometimes you just need to sleep. 

·       Claiming to be confused after rejecting the truth is no different than claiming to be in the dark after you shut off the light.
·       It sounds like an oxymoron, but contentment is one of the most powerful traits necessary for developing greatness in the plan God has for you, because at that point you may start working instead of wishing and dreaming you were someone else.

·       Comparing yourself to others is unfair and unproductive. Admiring someone and learning from others is an entirely different thing. 

·     Maintaining contentment becomes more difficult as material possessions increase.

·       Paul told Timothy to be content with what he had but he told the Philippians he himself was pressing on because he was not content with who he was or what he had accomplished. So, an adequate amount of possessions can be attained, but we should never be satisfied with our level of personal development or accomplishment.

·       Try enjoying what you have instead of striving to get something else. Realize that even if you have all that you need and all that you want there will always be something to chase and distract you from contentment. Learn to stop. Learn to enjoy what you have and who you are.
·       When your conscience says, “No.” Don’t!

·       Your conscience is a God-given navigation system. Use it. Follow it. And, do not make a habit of violating it.
·       When it is your responsibility, control the circumstance. And, always control the climate of your life.

·       Do not let yourself be addicted to anything. Maintain control by protecting your freedom to choose…and, then choose life and choose what is right.

·       Accepting responsibility is similar to seizing power.
·       Creating and criticizing are opposites. So, when you experience the desire to be negative and critical, choose instead to be creative and productive.

·       Live in such a way that when men challenge your theology or question your interpretation of Scripture, they will still agree with your lifestyle and admire your application of what you believe.

·       Your bad attitude can misrepresent your insight as criticism and redirect attention away from your ability to contribute.
·       Two things determine your current situation. Circumstances and decisions. Fortunately, your decisions can overcome circumstances.

·       Establish victory in life by making one right decision at a time and doing it in a sequential series.

·       Do not make decisions on partial information.

·       Learn to identify when you are being moved by your emotions, and make it a life rule not to take action or make decisions while you are merely controlled by your emotions.

·       Think. Don’t react.

·       Try considering what is best for others before you make your decision.
·       A democracy is an excellent form of government only if that society is full of moral, upright people.

·       The purpose of the government is to maintain order not impose the Christian faith.
·       Your desire trumps your ability, strength and knowledge. What do you want? If you have the desire you can increase your ability, you can become stronger and you can gain knowledge!

·       There is always a way out of temptation and sin. The lack of an escape route is not the problem with temptation. The problem is lack of desire to see the way out and use the escape route.

·       The desire to change is the beginning of making that change.
·       Small choices and the little details establish the habits and character that determine destiny.

·       You reap what you sow. If you do not like your harvest, start planting different seeds.
·       A small adjustment today can make a great difference in tomorrow’s direction.

·       When you don’t know what to do, hit the default setting found in Micah 6:8: do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

·       If you compete in a race you should know some details before you start: Where do I run? Where do I finish? When do we start? How long is the race? What happens to the winner? What happens to the loser?

·       Write down a vision or live life in vanity.

·       Sailors do not row across the ocean nor do they merely trust the wind to randomly blow them to their desired destination. In order to cross the great sea a good sailor must make efforts to harness the greater power of the wind.

·       In order to know where you are and what you should do you need to know where you come from and where you are going.
·       The spiritual man is the mature man who can discern all things with a mind renewed with a standard of evaluation that comes from knowing God’s Word.

·       You will have information so that you will be able to discern. Also said, you will now the truth and the truth will set you free.

·       The mature believer can distinguish good from evil and make the choices necessary to live a righteous life.
·       Do not forget the word of encouragement that tells us that the Lord disciplines those he loves.

·       We could march right past God’s discipline only to meet his judgment.

·       God’s intention with the cycles of discipline is to draw people back to himself.
·       Do not lose sight of your call and your goal. Know the difference between them and distractions or side-issues. Distractions and side-issues might get more public response, but that doesn’t make them the focus.

·       Avoid people, places and possessions that drag you down or distract you.

·       One of the most important reasons for identifying your goal is to identify and avoid distractions. You must remain focused to achieve your purpose.

·       Don’t waste time. Don’t waste words. Don’t waste emotion.

·       The desire for unnecessary things is a distraction and the worry about non-issues is a waste of emotional energy.
·       As you believe, so are you. Doctrine determines godliness and faith is the basis for behavior.

·       Live in such a way that when men challenge your theology or question your interpretation of Scripture, they will still agree with your lifestyle and admire your application of what you believe.

·       Cause and Effect – Failure to inhale Bible doctrine is followed by the inability to exhale a mature spiritual life.

·       Life without Bible doctrine is ‘bitter shame’ because you’re ‘going off the rails on a crazy train.’
·       Don’t hide your passion or betray your dream just so you can fit in.

·       Dreams become goals when you identify and define them. These goals can then provide focus, motivation and priorities towards fulfilling those dreams.

·       Passion fuels the dream.
·       Learning is not complete until you have taught it to someone.

·       When there is no class to teach, then set the example by living.

·       Mistakes can be an effective way of learning.

·       Just like the best teacher knows he is merely a student sharing his studies with others, so a good student must also be teaching.

·       Besides struggling to resolve adversity, try learning from it also.

·       Make yourself valuable by developing a specialty. Become a useful expert in some area or with some skill.

·       To increase your understanding of the Bible begin to study the scripture instead of just reading it, and then, teach what you have studied.

·       Class is in session whenever people are observing you.

·       Seek education before entertainment.

·       Commit yourself to learning knowledge, developing skill and gaining insight each day.

·       Encouraging and motivating a student is as important as teaching and training a student.

·       Learning most often begins with a question.

·       You can learn information, but you must experience wisdom.

·       Losing is an advantage if it increases your focus and your learning.

·       You learn to fry eggs by frying eggs….but, you learn to do it right by frying and eating them.

·       There is a time to remember and learn. There is a time to forget and let go.
·       Prayer is crucial, but so is planning, preparation and performance. When I read the Book of Acts, the thing that impresses me is not Paul’s prayer life, but his tireless labor and continuous effort.

·       Diligence and hard work overcome obstacles and opposition.

·       God supplies the power and ability, but we do the work and develop the gifts and ability.

·       Hard work towards an identified goal is the most important component of success.

·       Some things need to be done adequately instead of excellently. Focus on the things that will make a difference, not on things that consume time and energy.

·       Sailors do not row across the ocean nor do they merely trust the wind to randomly blow them to their desired destination. In order to cross the great sea a good sailor must make efforts to harness the greater power of the wind.

·       Natural talents like natural shrubs and trees need to be tended by an attentive gardener. I would suggest that if the natural talents are yours, then you need to be the attentive gardener. No one is impressed with over grown foliage and unmowed yards. So, mow your yard, trim your shrubs and develop your natural talents.
·       Tell someone why you appreciate them.

·       It is proper to congratulate the winners, but it is most important to encourage the losers.

·       Tell someone why you admire them and why you think they do a good job.

·       Make the most of every opportunity by being pleasant, encouraging and fun.

·       Encouraging and motivating a student is as important as teaching and training a student.

·       The Lord said to Gideon, ‘Go in the strength you have.’ There was no new promise or anointing or move of God simply a reminder.
Learn to identify when you are being moved by your emotions, and make it a life rule not to take action or make decisions while you are merely controlled by your emotions.
·       You cannot live a perfect life, but you can live an excellent life.

·       One of the greatest depths of discouragement comes to people who fail to conquer the mundane or refuse to perform the routine with excellence.

·       Improve your life by simply thinking about things that are accurate, honorable, factual, wholesome, beautiful, excellent, exceptional, and commendable. 

·       Some things need to be done adequately instead of excellently. Focus on the things that will make a difference, not on things that consume time and energy.

·       Show the quality of exceptionalism in your life by working hard, listening to others when they speak, keeping your promise, giving more than you take, serving in a ministry, fearlessly following the calling of you r heart and doing good.

·       Since as a believer in Jesus Christ you have a supernatural life source, you should be manifesting some exceptional personal character qualities every day.
·       Sometimes you get what you demand, not what you deserve.

·       You are not right all the time about everything. Everyone knows that. But, can you identify the things you are wrong about right now?

·       Do not manipulate justice.
·       Ultimately, we know God and God knows everything. And, we trust the God who controls everything.

·       We have a faith that heals, hopes, comforts, empowers, loves, strengthens, overcomes and produces victory for ourselves and those we encounter. We change history.

·       Stabilize constant change with faith in the unchanging Truth.

·       Your faith provides you the security that allows you the freedom to try without fear.

·       Worry is not fruitful, and should be replaced with acts of faith such as prayer, planning, preparation, performance and productivity.

·       How could the Lord and his angels continually tell people, “Do not be afraid,” unless they had seen things and knew things that gave very convincing proof that everything was under control.

·       God says, “Do not fear,” he doesn’t mean to say there is nothing to fear, but that there is something greater than fear to believe.

·       It is easy to mistake waiting and lack of action for faith when in reality faith produces work.

·       Allow God the opportunity to fill up your empty space and connect the random events with meaning.

·       Seek the Lord and rest in his promises knowing that the Lord is working and will complete what he began to do long before we knew enough to be concerned.

·       Whatever you do it should be done with faith in God and confidence in yourself, his creation.

·       It is not a lack of faith to desire to check out a truth or a relationship before getting involved. A long term commitment comes after a progressive series of shorter term commitments have been tested and approved.

·       As you believe, so are you. Doctrine determines godliness and faith is the basis for behavior.

·       Productive Christian faith must believe something True.

·       For a person to have great faith, that person must know great Truth.

·       Truth must be understood in order for it to be believed. If there is no understanding there is no faith.

·       Before there can be faith there must be knowledge. And this knowledge must be heard, not mystically perceived.

·       If your faith has collapsed because of some novel or movie then understand that the naval fleet of your soul has been conquered by a canoe.
Never forget that God is good, God is sovereign and God has a plan. This God has transformed you into the image of the Son he loves and is preparing you for a tremendous future. Go with it and be faithful!
·       Often our failures are only failures because we stopped.

·       Failure is difficult and loss is painful, but neither are as deadly as giving up.

·       Your failure is never the final fate. The Lord will always have the last word and the final act. Do not despair, but return to hope in the Lord.

·       Your act of service to others is your ministry. There is no failure when others have been served.

·       Everyone fails. Everyone feels disappointed. Everyone could be better. Welcome to reality. The difference is some people move on past failure and feelings to actually become better.

·       Losing is an advantage if it increases your focus and your learning.
·       Knowing the Truth does not insulate a man from hearing false doctrine or being attracted to deception.

·       False teachers will continually tweak and twist Bible Verses to reposition them with their misaligned doctrine. In this way, faith can be tweaked away.

·       False teachers load the doctrinal dice in order to roll out of the verse the interpretation they desire.

·       Sinful man is more attracted to false teaching and religious ritual than to renewing his mind to the Word of God.
·       God says, “Do not fear,” he doesn’t mean to say there is nothing to fear, but that there is something greater than fear to believe.

·       How could the Lord and his angels continually tell people, “Do not be afraid,” unless they had seen things and knew things that gave very convincing proof that everything was under control.

·       Do not envy and do not fear. Without envy and fear it is easy not to hate.
Even marathon runners sprint when they know they are near the finish line.
·       Do not lose sight of your call and your goal. Know the difference between them and distractions or side-issues. Distractions and side-issues might get more public response, but that doesn’t make them the focus.

·       When you find yourself thinking about what you have loss or what you didn’t get, try concentrating on serving someone or giving something.

·       One of the most important reasons for identifying your goal is to identify and avoid distractions. You must remain focused to achieve your purpose.

·       If you are busy and focused on a purpose, time is valuable. If you are not busy and drifting, time is easy to waste.

·       Spend more time doing what you are good at.

·       Some things need to be done adequately instead of excellently. Focus on the things that will make a difference, not on things that consume time and energy.

·       Losing is an advantage if it increases your focus and your learning.
If disregarding the owner’s manual for an automobile or a computer nullifies the warrantee, how bad is it to disregard your Creator and his written revelation recorded in Scripture?
·       Forgive and move on. But, do not forget for that is as damaging as holding a grudge.

·       Be as forgiving of others as you are of yourself. Be as patient with others as God is with you.

·       Being able to forget is as great a skill as being able to remember.
·       Your faith provides you the security that allows you the freedom to try without fear.

·       Do not let yourself be addicted to anything. Maintain control by protecting your freedom to choose…and, then choose life and choose what is right.

·       There is power in obedience and great freedom in living righteously.

·       You will have information so that you will be able to discern. Also said, you will now the truth and the truth will set you free.
·       As a friend you need to provide generous compliments, but also, gracious rebukes.

·      Friends are an important factor concerning your attitude, behavior, direction, motivation and passion. 

·       Besides Bible study and prayer, develop personal godliness with spiritually healthy friendships and practice a purposeful ministry.

·       Be friendly. Risk rejection and reach out to someone.
·       The most productive way is to obey. Just like it is best to do the job right the first time.

·       As a believer your eternal hope is secure. Since your future is established, begin living a productive, fruitful life now, here today.

·       You have to inhale the Word of God through study and teaching in order to exhale the Word of God in your attitude, words and fruitful production.

·       Your words and deeds today are seeds that will produce fruitful results tomorrow.
There is a great future for believers. And, we will be there.
·       Purpose to give something today. Anything: time, encouragement, assistance, etc. Give something both you and the recipient value.

·       Give more than is expected.

·       When you plant seeds to get a crop, the more seeds you plant, the more you get. So, the more you give, the greater the increase.
Phase One, justification, is complete. Phase Three, glorification, will come. Phase Two, sanctification, is where today’s work is done.
·       Establish a goal. Identify it as the target towards which your planning, training and effort moves towards.

·       Nothing makes more progress towards a goal than forces such as passion and love. To experience the energy of life allow these forces to fuel a part of each day.
·       Always remember that God has always had a plan. And, that plan is still intact at this particular time in history.

·       Getting closer to God will always benefit you and will never harm you.

·       Ultimately, we know God and God knows everything. And, we trust the God who controls everything.

·       God’s nature is to give to us. When he leads us, teaches us, corrects us, and disciplines us it is in order to prepare us for the good he wants to give us.

·       God tells us to come to him, to seek him and to ask him. We have this ability if we decide we want God. He is waiting.

·       Always take God with you. Take the understanding of his Word and his ways into your daily life. Never go into life without God with only your own perspective and your own understanding. Take God along.

·       God is good, moral and just. We will not be far from his will if we do the same.

·       You yourself have been created by God. Now use that creation for the purpose God intended

·       Find God and you will find meaning and purpose.

·       Everything will change. Everything!...except the Lord.

·       The Lord is searching for someone to use. Let him show himself strong in you.

·       The Lord is good. Seek him in all your ways!

·       Do not forget the word of encouragement that tells us that the Lord disciplines those he loves.

·       God uses the man who is willing to do something and is willing to become something.

·       Never forget that God is good, God is sovereign and God has a plan. This God has transformed you into the image of the Son he loves and is preparing you for a tremendous future. Go with it and be faithful!

·       The Christian God reveals himself to individuals. Seek him in your world today.

·       God is ready to continue training, building, correcting and instructing us when we are ready to repent, return and resume being transformed by him.

·       If God has called you to a purpose, he will also prepare and equip you for that purpose.

·       Allow God the opportunity to fill up your empty space and connect the random events with meaning.

·       God supplies the power and ability, but we do the work and develop the gifts and ability.

·       Doing what is right is not always easy. God’s way is not always popular. 

·       It is easier to find God when you are looking for him.

·       God’s very nature involves the desire to reveal himself.

·       God knows that men must be given a certain amount of information to find their way.
·       When you have prayed for yourself, take time to make requests in prayer for things that are in line with God’s will for others.

·       The Lord is always with you. He is ready to guide you and desires to counsel you.

·       God’s purpose for you in life most likely includes some form of service to others.

·       Don’t stress about knowing God’s “perfect will” for your life, because just like every basketball offense has options, life has options. Instead, it is important to know the offense and know how to run the options.

·       Sometimes God’s “call” is simply doing what God created you to do with your talents and pursuing the passions he has given you. God’s “call” doesn’t have to be painful, difficult, weird or impossible to be legit!

·       Sometimes you know you are in God’s will because things work out so smoothly. Other times you know you are in God’s will because of the continuous difficulty and opposition you face.

·       God’s will for a believer is sometimes identified by their passions.

·       Just like the sun is still burning on a cloudy day, so it is with God’s will during times of confusion.
·       Godliness is to your soul what physical training is to your body. Just like you must eat right, you must also live right.

·       Besides Bible study and prayer, develop personal godliness with spiritually healthy friendships and practice a purposeful ministry.

·       As you believe, so are you. Doctrine determines godliness and faith is the basis for behavior.
·       When you don’t know what to do, hit the default setting found in Micah 6:8: do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

·       Overcome evil with good.

·       Be good today and say kind things to people.

·       Help people smile, do good and speak words filled with hope.

·       A mature believer constantly uses the Word of God to lead their live, make decisions, motivate good behavior and produce good works.

·       Good works that please God come from a faith based in the Truth of God’s Word.

·       The corrupt pattern of this age not only molds people into wickedly immoral lives, but also teaches them to reject the good and decent in exchange for an ascetic life style.

·       The mature believer can distinguish good from evil and make the choices necessary to live a righteous life.
·       The Gospel cannot be altered without excluding the Truth and its power.

·       The gospel was never intended to become a culture of its own.
·       The purpose of the government is to maintain order not impose the Christian faith.

·       A democracy is an excellent form of government only if that society is full of moral, upright people.
·       It sounds like an oxymoron, but contentment is one of the most powerful traits necessary for developing greatness in the plan God has for you, because at that point you may start working instead of wishing and dreaming you were someone else.

·       Men are not heroes at birth. They are prepared overtime and become heroes in those crucial moments.

·       Mediocrity will always oppose great.

·       The greatest life is the life that makes the greatest sacrifice serving other lives.
·       Maintenance of your relationship with the Lord through confession, obedience, prayer and the daily inhale of his Word are the source of your power, growth and production.

·       God is ready to continue training, building, correcting and instructing us when we are ready to repent, return and resume being transformed by him.

·       Just like acorns produce oak trees and ideas become products, so righteous deeds also bear fruit.

·       When you plant seeds to get a crop, the more seeds you plant, the more you get. So, the more you give, the greater the increase.

·       You reap what you sow. If you do not like your harvest, start planting different seeds.

·       Knowing that seeds become trees, it is an awesome realization to finally understand that our thoughts, words and actions are seeds themselves.

·       Application of truth leads to a greater understanding of that truth. Thus, he who has will be given more.

·       The Apostles knew that the fertile field that produced the fruit of righteousness was a soul sown with the seeds of Truth.

·       Most church services would be rejected by the FDA for not providing the required nutritional value necessary for spiritual growth.

·       The church needs to be as clear in identifying the means of spiritual growth as they are in proclaiming the means of salvation.

·       The goal of the Bible teacher is to communicate the Word of God just as the necessary job of the farmer is to plant his field with seeds in the spring.

·       The Word of God is a seed, not magic beans.
Do not envy and do not fear. Without envy and fear it is easy not to hate.
Take the approach that hardships are simply a form of training preparing us for a future that has not yet been revealed.
Failure to guard your heart will result in the corruption of your soul.
·       Often the hero is afflicted. 

·       Men are not heroes at birth. They are prepared overtime and become heroes in those crucial moments.
·       God is good, moral and just. We will not be far from his will if we do the same.

·       Christian maturity knows when holiness requires patience and when it demands decisive action.

·       Holiness can be defined as simply doing things the way they were supposed to be done.
Honesty is important, but it is most important when dealing with yourself.
·       Live in strength today and with hope for the future.

·       Remember: Jesus died, was resurrected, and said, “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Now, take that thought into every hopeless situation!

·       Give someone hope today by what you say and what you do.

·       Hope is the fuel for motivation, and hope itself is fueled by knowledge.

·       Believers have the hope of the coming Kingdom but also the responsibility to serve our nation today.
 It is shortsighted idolatry for a church to follow the cowardly spirit of this age and neglect teaching the Word of God.
·       Image is important. This includes our self-image, the way we present ourselves to others and, most importantly, understanding how the Lord views us.

·       If it easy to maintain your public presentation of yourself if you are honest and real.

·       There are universal values respected by all men: kindness, justice, honesty, goodness, etc. Begin building a good reputation with these qualities.

·       In order to create a life that you can maintain, be yourself. Once you start pretending or faking you are creating an unsustainable life that will ultimately frustrate you and disappoint others.

·       The words you speak are an extension of yourself. Be careful of what you are putting out there.

·       Your inner character is real; your reputation is an opinion. Yet, what you are and what people see are both important.
·       Don’t copy other people, copy the Lord.

·       Model yourself after other mature believers without copying them or comparing yourself to them.

·       You are unique. Do not settle for being a mere imitation of somebody else.

·       Comparing yourself to others is unfair and unproductive. Admiring someone and learning from others is an entirely different thing. 

·       It sounds like an oxymoron, but contentment is one of the most powerful traits necessary for developing greatness in the plan God has for you, because at that point you may start working instead of wishing and dreaming you were someone else.

·       Learn from others but do not lower yourself to imitation. Plan on being very unique and getting used to it.
·       Realize that just as you have influence on other people, you are also influence by the people you allow yourself to be close to.

·       You have more influence on your situation than others do.
Integrity and diligent labor are Christ-like characteristics to practice as an employee and on the job.
·       Jesus altered the course of history and is known today as one of the most influential people of all time. He did this by serving others. And, he taught his core disciples to do the same thing: Serve, not rule.

·       The fact that Jesus came back from the dead pretty much solidifies the fact that as followers of him we will eventually overcome everything else.

·       Our responsibility is to wait faithfully for Jesus while we serve him productively.
·       Men will be judged for every idle, empty, twisted word that does not conform with God’s Word.

·       The Word of God is powerless in the soul of a man unless it is combined with faith. Yet, in spite of the man’s response that same Word remains his judge.

·       We could march right past God’s discipline only to meet his judgment.
 Sometimes you get what you demand, not what you deserve.
Phase One, justification, is complete. Phase Three, glorification, will come. Phase Two, sanctification, is where today’s work is done.
·       Part of the heart of a man is his mind and his intellect. You can’t love what you do not know. You cannot be passionate about that which you are ignorant. True love and useful passion do not exist outside of reality.

·       We don’t always know the answer, but we can always trust the One who does.

·       Hope is the fuel for motivation, and hope itself is fueled by knowledge.

·       Some people would say, ‘Think before you speak.’ True, but what are you thinking? So, even before that get knowledge and wisdom?

·       If you compete in a race you should know some details before you start: Where do I run? Where do I finish? When do we start? How long is the race? What happens to the winner? What happens to the loser?

·       Knowing and recalling truth and reality will help you stand in righteousness and stand against sin.

·       Lack of knowledge and inexperience are both sources of confidence. This is a false confidence that is dangerous, but confidence none the less.

·       What you love is as important as what you know.

·       Although a believer enters the kingdom of God at the new birth, they do not gain the knowledge of God or the council of God until it is presented and understood.

·       Before there can be faith there must be knowledge. And this knowledge must be heard, not mystically perceived.

·       Since God gave us this information shouldn’t we assume he planned onus finding it useful?

·       It takes time and discipline to go from knowing an answer to understanding it.
·       As a leader combine strength and love in your relationships.

·       Leave a mark. When you speak leave someone thinking. When you move leave a trail to follow. When you work leave a product that can be used.

·       You are uniquely a leader for someone and the answer to someone’s prayer. If you don’t know who they are then find them, they are waiting for you!

·       Be concerned about your level of dedication. Others will follow you, which would make you the leader.

·       Leaders are dedicated. Followers find leaders.
Legalism is not a testimony to the world; legalism is bondage to the world.
·       Your life is your message. Your daily walk is your sermon.

·       Live in such a way that when men challenge your theology or question your interpretation of Scripture, they will still agree with your lifestyle and admire your application of what you believe.

·       Find your place in life. Embrace it. Excel at it. Enjoy it.

·       Life without Bible doctrine is ‘bitter shame’ because you’re ‘going off the rails on a crazy train.’
·       When there is a problem or a complaint you are already starting to resolve the situation by listening.

·       Listen…simply try listening.

·       Your soul needs wholesome nourishment, just like your body needs healthy food. Think, read, listen, study and watch wholesomeness. 

·       When you are with someone with more experience and greater intelligence, you should listen in order to improve instead of speak in an attempt to impress.
·       Love seeks to give. If you want to change your local environment: start giving and stop taking; start thinking about potential not problems; start helping instead of complaining.

·       Wisdom and love are the most valuable attributes you can share with the people that are the most valuable to you.

·       True love does not motivate with guilt or manipulate for self-interest.

·       Love never fails and truth always wins. Until then we are simply waiting for the results to be turned in.

·       What you love is as important as what you know.

·       Nothing makes more progress towards a goal than forces such as passion and love. To experience the energy of life allow these forces to fuel a part of each day.
·       Admit your mistakes and correct your errors, and, definitely, don’t try to blame someone else. 

·       You still have to do what is right even when someone else is doing things wrong. 

·       The most effective way to make change (including in yourself) is to accept and seek responsibility.

·       Accepting responsibility is similar to seizing power.

·       A good steward needs to invest thought and time into their oversight.

·       The goal of an entrusted manager is not to gain authority and be the boss, but to diligently perform their responsibilities and prove themselves accountable.

·       The primary way to fulfill our stewardship responsibility is to communicate the revelation of God’s Word in every aspect of our lives.

·       Our responsibility is to wait faithfully for Jesus while we serve him productively.

·       Believers have the hope of the coming Kingdom but also the responsibility to serve our nation today.

·       Do what is right in every area of your life – taking responsibility for all your choices.
·       The renewing of the mind will result in our personal growth into spiritual maturity.

·       The spiritual man is the mature man who can discern all things with a mind renewed with a standard of evaluation that comes from knowing God’s Word.

·       The problem with the private monastic model is that even if you cut yourself off from the world, you still have not renewed your mind to the Truth.

·       Mystical experiences do not assist in the renewing of the mind.

·       Sincere and pure devotion to Christ needs minds renewed to the Word of Christ in order to avoid being led astray.
Salvation affects the physical body in totality at the time of the resurrection.
·       The written Word of God is called a revelation because its truth is not found in the wisdom, philosophies or religious of the world.

·       The apostles were appointed and sent to proclaim and explain the final phase of special revelation.
·       It is during Phase Two (sanctification) that a believer may disqualify themselves for the rewards they have achieved.

·       Salvation is a gift. Rewards are earned. Salvation cannot be lost. Rewards can be lost.
·       Do what is right, but also do it for the right reason and with the right attitude.

·       There is joy in being obedient. There is strength in righteousness.

·       Christ is strengthening you to do all the things he has called you to do. So, do the right thing and trust God.

·       Just like acorns produce oak trees and ideas become products, so righteous deeds also bear fruit.

·       Doing what is right may not be easy. But, do not stop doing what is right just because it is difficult.

·       Practicing goodness on a daily basis and making decency our normal contribution to life’s experiences is how each of us wages war against the evil in our world, our society and in our own life.

·       Knowing and recalling truth and reality will help you stand in righteousness and stand against sin.

·       You still have to do what is right even when someone else is doing things wrong. 

·       Doing what is right is not always easy. God’s way is not always popular. 

·       There is power in obedience and great freedom in living righteously.

·       Do not manipulate justice.

·       Do what is right in every area of your life – taking responsibility for all your choices.
Be friendly. Risk rejection and reach out to someone.
The greatest life is the life that makes the greatest sacrifice serving other lives.
·       The Word of God reveals the truth needed for salvation and for maturity.

·       Spiritual growth comes from the same Word that revealed spiritual salvation.

·       Salvation affects the physical body in totality at the time of the resurrection.

·       Salvation is a gift. Rewards are earned. Salvation cannot be lost. Rewards can be lost.
·       Phase One, justification, is complete. Phase Three, glorification, will come. Phase Two, sanctification, is where today’s work is done.

·       The sanctifying of men by the Word of God is a timeless principle in the Kingdom of God.

·       It is in Phase Two (sanctification) that different levels of understanding, obedience, accomplishments and rewards are achieved.

·       It is during Phase Two (sanctification) that a believer may disqualify themselves for the rewards they have achieved.
·       Man’s sin nature unites with Satan and the world system in the sense that they are all three in rebellion to God’s Word.

·       Satan knows that if allowed to grow to fruition the Word of God will produce a hundred fold in the believer’s life.

·       Both the Word of God and the deceptions of Satan are trying to take captive the thoughts of the rebel man.
·       Self-discipline is necessary while preparing for the victory.

·       No one can hurt you as much as you can hurt yourself.
·       Strife ultimately comes from selfishness. So, peace comes when everyone is considerate of others.

·       Try not talking about yourself today.

·       True love does not motivate with guilt or manipulate for self-interest.

·       Confidence comes from truth and ability; Arrogance is the product of self-centeredness and fear.

·       Self-centeredness is as restricting as self-forgetfulness is freeing in the process of accomplishing significant things. 

·       Do not try to conceal self-centered desires with language camouflaged with God-centered lingo. This camouflage of language will be made transparent when the results of your actions expose the motives of your heart.
·       It’s easy to help people when you see yourself on a rescue mission.

·       A great vision sees beyond itself because a worthy vision ultimately has others in its view.

·       Serving the Lord can be done at any time with any occupation. Your “ministry” is not limited to being involved in a church program or a clergy approved position.

·       There is a point where our diligence, our labor and our striving to serve God and accomplish his will in our lives needs to be replaced with simple trust and patience. At that point we can relax, lighten up and enjoy waiting on the Lord.

·       Worship and service are very, very close to the same thing. In fact, your service to the Lord is one of the purist forms of worship. So much of worship that is separated from obedient action is merely empty lip-service.

·       You are uniquely a leader for someone and the answer to someone’s prayer. If you don’t know who they are then find them, they are waiting for you!

·       Examine yourself: Are you using yourself to serve others? Or, are you using others to serve yourself?

·       In the end the little things we do for people are as important as the big things.

·       When you find yourself thinking about what you have loss or what you didn’t get, try concentrating on serving someone or giving something.

·       Always be helpful in some fashion even if you can’t help with the bigger problem.

·       Make yourself valuable by developing a specialty. Become a useful expert in some area or with some skill.

·       Your act of service to others is your ministry. There is no failure when others have been served.

·       Jesus altered the course of history and is known today as one of the most influential people of all time. He did this by serving others. And, he taught his core disciples to do the same thing: Serve, not rule.
·       Jesus knows our weakness. That is why he came to die for us. So, now bring him your sins, limitations, fears, confusion, questions, losses, desires, dreams, hopes…he has already paid the price and prepared your way for victory!

·       Temptation is not sin. There is victory in the midst of temptation, but to be in the midst of sin indicates defeat. Establish victory at the point of temptation before it becomes sin.

·       You can never be happy if you know you are living in disobedience to God.

·       There is always a way out of temptation and sin. The lack of an escape route is not the problem with temptation. The problem is lack of desire to see the way out and use the escape route.
·       Sometimes the answer to the problem, the resolution to the confusion and the source of encouragement in the midst of despair is sleep. Sleep is not a sign of laziness, but an indication of discipline. Really, sometimes you just need to sleep. 

·       An engine needs refueled. A battery needs recharged. The shelves of a store need restocked. Likewise, a man needs to replenish what he depletes in himself while he fulfills his purpose in life.
·       Practicing goodness on a daily basis and making decency our normal contribution to life’s experiences is how each of us wages war against the evil in our world, our society and in our own life.

·       Living outside the lines and trying innovative things is admirable, unless previous generations have already proven these lifestyles and these things are destructive to individuals and to societies.

·       Bring the Lord into the workplace through his spiritual presence in you, the manifestation of excellence in your work and your biblical perspective of life.

·       If your faith has collapsed because of some novel or movie then understand that the naval fleet of your soul has been conquered by a canoe.

·       Our national existence will be determined by the state of our national soul.

·       The pendulum is swinging from denying the existence of God to embracing some kind of spirituality.

·       The fourth generation will have a deep hunger that will never be satisfied.

·       People still want Jesus to heal their bodies and multiply their bread but have little interest in their own spiritual health.

·       The gospel was never intended to become a culture of its own.

·       We are a nation full of soft, self-absorbed men.
Experiencing sorrow is part of life, but never let sorrow oppress you.
·       The soul (mind) of a man in a church that does not teach the Word of God will be left to feed on a worthless form of spiritual nutrition.

·       The Word of God is powerless in the soul of a man unless it is combined with faith. Yet, in spite of the man’s response that same Word remains his judge.

·       Carnal weapons such as tradition, philosophy, ritual and entertainment will not penetrate the fortress of false reality barricading the human soul. Only the Word of God can dismantle these fortifications and eradicate the rebel forces of falsehood.

·       Failure to guard your heart will result in the corruption of your soul.
·       What you talk about and how you communicate creates the atmosphere you live in.

·       Chose to help someone today. Be the answer to prayer. Speak words that change hearts.

·       Give someone hope today by what you say and what you do.

·       Look at what you do and listen to what you say. Ultimately, what you do is who you are and what you speak is how you think.

·       Speak to God during the day.

·       If people continually misunderstand your words or your intentions, then maybe you are not clearly saying “yes” when you mean “yes” and “no” when you mean “no.”

·       The words you speak are an extension of yourself. Be careful of what you are putting out there.

·       Try not talking about yourself today.

·       Be aware that what you say can be divided and rearranged by others.

·       Sometimes the best thing to do with your thoughts is to not share them.

·       Be good today and say kind things to people.

·       Refrain from talking about negative things.

·       Your words and actions either shine light into the lives of others or they cast a shadow of darkness.

·       What you say is what you think. How you speak is who you are. Your voice is the image of your soul.

·       When you are with someone with more experience and greater intelligence, you should listen in order to improve instead of speak in an attempt to impress.

·       Your words and deeds today are seeds that will produce fruitful results tomorrow

·       Do not try to conceal self-centered desires with language camouflaged with God-centered lingo. This camouflage of language will be made transparent when the results of your actions expose the motives of your heart.

·       Men will be judged for every idle, empty, twisted word that does not conform with God’s Word.
·       Even when you don’t feel spiritual, you are! So, start “in the flesh” and you will begin the spiritual experience.

·       Learn to rebound quickly when you sin by confessing your sin to God and restoring fellowship with your spiritual power source.

·       The spiritual man is the mature man who can discern all things with a mind renewed with a standard of evaluation that comes from knowing God’s Word.

·       Cause and Effect – Failure to inhale Bible doctrine is followed by the inability to exhale a mature spiritual life.

·       Spiritual growth comes from the same Word that revealed spiritual salvation.

·       The pendulum is swinging from denying the existence of God to embracing some kind of spirituality.

·       People still want Jesus to heal their bodies and multiply their bread but have little interest in their own spiritual health.

·       A yearning for physical wealth has replaced our longing for spiritual maturity.
·       Instead of seeking the easy way, seek God for strength!

·       Live in strength today and with hope for the future.

·       When you are tired and weak remember Jesus promised, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

·       Christ is strengthening you to do all the things he has called you to do. So, do the right thing and trust God.
·       Know the difference between stretching yourself to accomplish your purpose and overextending yourself with stress and counter-productive activity. The difference is as clear as stretching before a workout and a torn muscle that ends your season.

·       Patience neutralizes stress.

·       Avoid stress for yourself and disappointment for others by never promising things that you can’t do, things you won’t do or things you don’t have time to do.

·       Have you considered making your life simpler?

·       Pressure reveals weaknesses. But, weaknesses can be corrected and strengthened. Use pressure as an advantage.

·       You can avoid stress by lowering your unnecessary expectations and turning away from things and people that do not matter.
Strife ultimately comes from selfishness. So, peace comes when everyone is considerate of others.
·       Commit to a plan and execute the fundamentals. In the course of time this produces success.

·       Every small movement forward and every small improvement is the victory of a battle in the midst of a greater war.

·       Success is doing what you are good at because it makes a difference, not because it makes you famous.

·       Hard work towards an identified goal is the most important component of success.

·       There is always a price that must be paid for anything of eternal value. Include the cost of suffering into your proposal to be successful and significant. 

·       Spend more time doing what you are good at.

·       Success may not be what the world tells you it is.
·       Often the difference between success and failure is either recognizing the opportunity or ignoring the opportunity.

·       What is success? It is identifying and fulfilling a valuable purpose.

·       The Apostle Paul was rejected in synagogue after synagogue and was driven from multiple cities until he was arrested and decapitated. Paul’s life and ministry could be considered a catastrophe. But, the fact remains, it was not.

·       Your success produces admiration from some and envy from others. So, if you can, share your success to help reduce the detractors. 

·       Persistence has proven to be important in prayer, business, relationships, ministry, athletics and any endeavor that results in success.
There is always a price that must be paid for anything of eternal value. Include the cost of suffering into your proposal to be successful and significant. 
Natural talents like natural shrubs and trees need to be tended by an attentive gardener. I would suggest that if the natural talents are yours, then you need to be the attentive gardener. No one is impressed with over grown foliage and unmowed yards. So, mow your yard, trim your shrubs and develop your natural talents.
·       Learn the value of the three step technique: praying, trusting and giving thanks. This triad-technique should be used to apply counter-pressure to the bad, the evil and the hopelessness of life.

·       Learn to rebound quickly when you sin by confessing your sin to God and restoring fellowship with your spiritual power source.

·       Establish victory in life by making one right decision at a time and doing it in a sequential series.

·       Maintenance of your relationship with the Lord through confession, obedience, prayer and the daily inhale of his Word are the source of your power, growth and production.

·       Commit to a plan and execute the fundamentals. In the course of time this produces success.

·       Spread your efforts and invest your time in a variety of people, activities and opportunities.

·       You are spirit, soul and body. A man cannot neglect these. You will need: Spiritual fellowship with the Lord; Renewal of your mind with the truth; Maintenance of a healthy body with diet and exercise. 
·       God’s nature is to give to us. When he leads us, teaches us, corrects us, and disciplines us it is in order to prepare us for the good he wants to give us.

·       When there is no class to teach, then set the example by living.

·       We don’t always know the answer, but we can always trust the One who does.

·       Just like the best teacher knows he is merely a student sharing his studies with others, so a good student must also be teaching.

·       Your life is your message. Your daily walk is your sermon.

·       Teaching is empowering a person with understandable and useful information.

·       The primary purpose of the church is to teach the mystery of God, first, to Pagans, and, then, to believers.

·       It is shortsighted idolatry for a church to follow the cowardly spirit of this age and neglect teaching the Word of God.

·       The goal of the Bible teacher is to communicate the Word of God just as the necessary job of the farmer is to plant his field with seeds in the spring.

·       The farmer and the teacher must sow seeds before they can expect a harvest.

·       To neglect the teaching of the Word of God is to teach deception.

·       No teaching is a form of teaching.

·       Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are the beginning of ministry. They are not the pinnacle of ministry.
It is not a lack of faith to desire to check out a truth or a relationship before getting involved. A long term commitment comes after a progressive series of shorter term commitments have been tested and approved.
·       Thankfulness opens your eyes to the positive potential of your circumstances.

·       Begin reciting a list of things that you are thankful for…and, when you think you are finished, don’t stop, but keep the list going.

·       Tell someone why you admire them and why you think they do a good job.

·       Express your thankfulness today and rejoice before the Lord.

·       Things can always be better, but as a believer in Jesus Christ nothing can remove our reason for ultimately being thankful.
·       What you think is who you are. What you meditate on is who you will become.

·       Think. Don’t react.

·       Some people would say, ‘Think before you speak.’ True, but what are you thinking? So, even before that get knowledge and wisdom?

·       Improve your thoughts and use your time to reflect on the lessons of life when you feel like you are in a dead end job and have exhausted your opportunities.

·       A trained, mature person can think in the midst of a situation instead of instantly reacting. Learn to think, before you respond.

·       Improve your life by simply thinking about things that are accurate, honorable, factual, wholesome, beautiful, excellent, exceptional, and commendable. 
·       Time is a natural resource. Preserve it, develop it, and convert it into something beneficial.

·       Perspective is influenced by time, distance and emotional connection.

·       Since it is only man who has the capacity to measure time, it is only man who will be held accountable for how they spend it.

·       If you are busy and focused on a purpose, time is valuable. If you are not busy and drifting, time is easy to waste.

·       If you will manage your time, you will find out you have the time you were needing.

·       Don’t waste time. Don’t waste words. Don’t waste emotion.

·       Some things need to be done adequately instead of excellently. Focus on the things that will make a difference, not on things that consume time and energy.

·       There is a time to remember and learn. There is a time to forget and let go.

·       Don’t waste time on the past or effort on unchangeable forces.

·       Your priorities determine how you spend your time and energy. Or, said another way, your time and energy reveal your priorities.
·       A small adjustment today can make a great difference in tomorrow’s direction.

·       Today will be filled with opportunities to seek and serve the Lord.

·       Living outside the lines and trying innovative things is admirable, unless previous generations have already proven these lifestyles and these things are destructive to individuals and to societies.

·       Be good today and say kind things to people.

·       Treat someone better today than you did yesterday.

·       Express your thankfulness today and rejoice before the Lord.

·       Today is 24 hours. This week is seven days. This year is 52 weeks. But, you are eternal and forever is a long, long time.

·       Commit yourself to learning knowledge, developing skill and gaining insight each day.
·       Maintain your peaceful disposition and a productive situation by trusting in God.

·       Do not pretend bad is not bad, or that evil is not evil.

·       There is a point where our diligence, our labor and our striving to serve God and accomplish his will in our lives needs to be replaced with simple trust and patience. At that point we can relax, lighten up and enjoy waiting on the Lord.

·       Make it easy for people to trust you.
·       Stabilize constant change with faith in the unchanging Truth.

·       Knowing and recalling truth and reality will help you stand in righteousness and stand against sin.

·       Confidence comes from truth and ability; Arrogance is the product of self-centeredness and fear.

·       Season grace and truth with joy and perspective.

·       Love never fails and truth always wins. Until then we are simply waiting for the results to be turned in.

·       Application of truth leads to a greater understanding of that truth. Thus, he who has will be given more

·       Nothing can be more Real and True than the Word of God that created and sustains our universe.

·       Productive Christian faith must believe something True.

·       For a person to have great faith, that person must know great Truth.

·       Truth must be understood in order for it to be believed. If there is no understanding there is no faith.

·       Truth has the authority to convince the hearer of its reality.

·       You will have information so that you will be able to discern. Also said, you will now the truth and the truth will set you free.

·       The problem with the private monastic model is that even if you cut yourself off from the world, you still have not renewed your mind to the Truth.

·       Knowing the Truth does not insulate a man from hearing false doctrine or being attracted to deception.

·       Claiming to be confused after rejecting the truth is no different than claiming to be in the dark after you shut off the light.
·       Always take God with you. Take the understanding of his Word and his ways into your daily life. Never go into life without God with only your own perspective and your own understanding. Take God along.

·       Begin doing the little that you know and understand. The rest will be revealed as you go.

·       The more you follow and obey the Lord, the more you will begin to understand the Lord.

·       When you do not understand, default to doing it God’s way.

·       To increase your understanding of the Bible begin to study the scripture instead of just reading it, and then, teach what you have studied.

·       Application of truth leads to a greater understanding of that truth. Thus, he who has will be given more.

·       Truth must be understood in order for it to be believed. If there is no understanding there is no faith.

·       It takes time and discipline to go from knowing an answer to understanding it.
·       We have a faith that heals, hopes, comforts, empowers, loves, strengthens, overcomes and produces victory for ourselves and those we encounter. We change history.

·       Establish victory in life by making one right decision at a time and doing it in a sequential series.

·       Jesus knows our weakness. That is why he came to die for us. So, now bring him your sins, limitations, fears, confusion, questions, losses, desires, dreams, hopes…he has already paid the price and prepared your way for victory!

·       Every small movement forward and every small improvement is the victory of a battle in the midst of a greater war.

·       Self-discipline is necessary while preparing for the victory.

·       Stick to your mission and execute your game plan. In the long run today’s situations and setbacks will give way to victory.

·       Temptation is not sin. There is victory in the midst of temptation, but to be in the midst of sin indicates defeat. Establish victory at the point of temptation before it becomes sin.

·       Victory can only go to a player who is in the game, and most often it will go to the player who is playing aggressively in the game.

·       The fact that Jesus came back from the dead pretty much solidifies the fact that as followers of him we will eventually overcome everything else.
·       A great vision sees beyond itself because a worthy vision ultimately has others in its view.

·       Write down a vision or live life in vanity.
·       Wisdom sees both the limits of man and the potential of God. Help mere men walk with the almighty God.

·       Wisdom and love are the most valuable attributes you can share with the people that are the most valuable to you.

·       When you think your words are wise and your ideas are brilliant, test your judgment by imagining how they would sound to you if someone you do not like presented them to you.

·       Some people would say, ‘Think before you speak.’ True, but what are you thinking? So, even before that get knowledge and wisdom?

·       You can learn information, but you must experience wisdom.
·       Sustainable motivation comes from knowing, understanding and fearing the Word of God.

·       You have to inhale the Word of God through study and teaching in order to exhale the Word of God in your attitude, words and fruitful production.

·       Preach and live the Word of God, not Christian politics or Christian culture.

·       To increase your understanding of the Bible begin to study the scripture instead of just reading it, and then, teach what you have studied.

·       Moses and Jesus both taught that just as a man’s body without food is malnourished, so every man’s soul is malnourished without the Word of the Lord.

·       The Word of God reveals the truth needed for salvation and for maturity.

·       A mature believer constantly uses the Word of God to lead their live, make decisions, motivate good behavior and produce good works.

·       The written Word of God is called a revelation because its truth is not found in the wisdom, philosophies or religious of the world.

·       Satan knows that if allowed to grow to fruition the Word of God will produce a hundred fold in the believer’s life.

·       The Word of God presents the good message of how a man can be delivered from sin, death, destruction and damnation.

·       If a man, even a born again man, is going to walk in God’s way he will need to know God’s Word.

·       The sanctifying of men by the Word of God is a timeless principle in the Kingdom of God.

·       It is shortsighted idolatry for a church to follow the cowardly spirit of this age and neglect teaching the Word of God.

·       The sword of the Word of God is violently throwing down the hollow philosophies and empty speculations that has impersonated itself as wisdom and authenticity.

·       Rebel troops are bracing themselves for an assault from the Word of God.

·       Both the Word of God and the deceptions of Satan are trying to take captive the thoughts of the rebel man.

·       A man has to do more than hear and understand the Word of God, he also must do it. The Word of God is a seed, not magic beans.
·       Integrity and diligent labor are Christ-like characteristics to practice as an employee and on the job.

·       Serving the Lord can be done at any time with any occupation. Your “ministry” is not limited to being involved in a church program or a clergy approved position.

·       You make your occupation holy! But, your occupation does not make you holy.

·       Embrace your job, get involved and be passionate about your place in life. This is where success begins and joy is uncovered.

·       Improve your thoughts and use your time to reflect on the lessons of life when you feel like you are in a dead end job and have exhausted your opportunities.

·       You can consider your secular job a spiritual calling. You can say your ministry is achieved while you are at work.

·       Bring the Lord into the workplace through his spiritual presence in you, the manifestation of excellence in your work and your biblical perspective of life.

·       The brightest light is brightest at its source. Likewise, your character should be greatest at home and among those you work with each day.
·       The written Word of God is called a revelation because its truth is not found in the wisdom, philosophies or religious of the world.

·       Man’s sin nature unites with Satan and the world system in the sense that they are all three in rebellion to God’s Word.

·       Believers cannot think like this age and still produce the fruit of the Spirit. The formula does not work that way.

·       The problem with the private monastic model is that even if you cut yourself off from the world, you still have not renewed your mind to the Truth.

·       The corrupt pattern of this age not only molds people into wickedly immoral lives, but also teaches them to reject the good and decent in exchange for an ascetic life style.

·       It is shortsighted idolatry for a church to follow the cowardly spirit of this age and neglect teaching the Word of God.

·       Legalism is not a testimony to the world; legalism is bondage to the world.
·       Worry is not fruitful, and should be replaced with acts of faith such as prayer, planning, preparation, performance and productivity.

·       When you find yourself worrying, stop to ask yourself: What? and, Why?
·       Worship and service are very, very close to the same thing. In fact, your service to the Lord is one of the purist forms of worship. So much of worship that is separated from obedient action is merely empty lip-service.

·       All works of service and worship spring from the seed of God’s Word in a man’s soul (mind).
·       Part of the heart of a man is his mind and his intellect. You can’t love what you do not know. You cannot be passionate about that which you are ignorant. True love and useful passion do not exist outside of reality.

·       Do not entertain the concept that your view of life and your understanding of origin, purpose and destiny do not affect your behavior and interaction with others.

·       Knowing the Truth does not insulate a man from hearing false doctrine or being attracted to deception.

·       We are a nation full of soft, self-absorbed men.
Honoring of the institution of marriage is necessary for the well-being of mankind.
·       Christian maturity knows when holiness requires patience and when it demands decisive action.

·       You are either transforming your world or conforming to your world.

·       A trained, mature person can think in the midst of a situation instead of instantly reacting. Learn to think, before you respond.

·       The Word of God reveals the truth needed for salvation and for maturity.

·       Maturity of individuals within a group will result in the maturing of the group.

·       A mature believer constantly uses the Word of God to lead their live, make decisions, motivate good behavior and produce good works.

·       The renewing of the mind will result in our personal growth into spiritual maturity.

·       A mature man of God will manifest God’s will and ways in his own thoughts, words and deeds.

·       The mature believer can distinguish good from evil and make the choices necessary to live a righteous life.

·       A yearning for physical wealth has replaced our longing for spiritual maturity.
Mediocrity will always oppose great.
·       God’s purpose for you in life most likely includes some form of service to others.

·       Serving the Lord can be done at any time with any occupation. Your “ministry” is not limited to being involved in a church program or a clergy approved position.

·       Your life is your message. Your daily walk is your sermon.

·      Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are the beginning of ministry. They are not the pinnacle of ministry.
Mistakes can be an effective way of learning.
Do not serve money.
·    Sustainable motivation comes from knowing, understanding and fearing the Word of God.

·       Examine your motives and test your heart.

·       Hope is the fuel for motivation, and hope itself is fueled by knowledge.

·       Your purpose and motivation are clarified during times of challenge and confusion. Press on!

·       Stop and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” What is the motivation behind your purpose and your goals?

·       Dreams become goals when you identify and define them. These goals can then provide focus, motivation and priorities towards fulfilling those dreams.

·       Escape the feeling of being overwhelmed by doing something to move towards the end instead of merely staring motionless at the beginning.
·       One of the greatest depths of discouragement comes to people who fail to conquer the mundane or refuse to perform the routine with excellence.

·       The bema seat is where Christians will receive the evaluation of their production in this life.
·       Before there can be faith there must be knowledge. And this knowledge must be heard, not mystically perceived.

·     Mystical experiences do not assist in the renewing of the mind.

·       The mystery is revealed by the Spirit, not by an articulate orator.
·       Our national existence will be determined by the state of our national soul.

·       A democracy is an excellent form of government only if that society is full of moral, upright people.

·       The purpose of the government is to maintain order not impose the Christian faith.
·       Although a believer enters the kingdom of God at the new birth, they do not gain the knowledge of God or the council of God until it is presented and understood.

·       If a man, even a born again man, is going to walk in God’s way he will need to know God’s Word.
·       Confidence comes from knowing the truth. But, even greater confidence comes from obeying the truth.

·       The most productive way is to obey. Just like it is best to do the job right the first time.

·       When your conscience says, “No.” Don’t!

·       There is joy in being obedient. There is strength in righteousness.

·       The more you follow and obey the Lord, the more you will begin to understand the Lord.

·       When you do not understand, default to doing it God’s way.

·       You can never be happy if you know you are living in disobedience to God.

·       There is power in obedience and great freedom in living righteously.
·       You will make choices today that will open doors and develop options for future opportunities. Or, your decisions today could close doors and eliminate answers and prospects you will search for, but will not find, tomorrow.

·       Today will be filled with opportunities to seek and serve the Lord.

·       Make the most of every opportunity by being pleasant, encouraging and fun.

·       Often the difference between success and failure is either recognizing the opportunity or ignoring the opportunity.

·       Opportunities can be completely missed or totally exploited.
·       Do you understand Paul’s words to Timothy when he said, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”? Are you really ready for that?

·       Diligence and hard work overcome obstacles and opposition.

·       Life is not easy, but then you are not fragile. You are designed to meet the challenge!

·       Besides struggling to resolve adversity, try learning from it also.

·       Experiencing sorrow is part of life, but never let sorrow oppress you.

·       Opposition exposes weakness and resistance increases strength.
·       Organization is foundational for peace.

·       Sometimes the confusion in life can be controlled by cleaning and organizing your house or your desk or your garage. Chaos can infiltrate, but order can multiply.

·       If you will manage your time, you will find out you have the time you were needing.
·       Sometimes God’s “call” is simply doing what God created you to do with your talents and pursuing the passions he has given you. God’s “call” doesn’t have to be painful, difficult, weird or impossible to be legit!

·       Your commitment often follows your passion. And, your passion is maintained by giving it attention and thought.

·       God’s will for a believer is sometimes identified by their passions.

·       Passion fuels the dream.

·       Nothing makes more progress towards a goal than forces such as passion and love. To experience the energy of life allow these forces to fuel a part of each day.
Leave behind the shortcomings of your past and press on to what is yet to come in your life.
·       If pastors do not teach and people do not know, then the question must be asked, “What is it that the pastors want their people to apply in their lives?”

·       Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are the beginning of ministry. They are not the pinnacle of ministry.
·       When you want to see God work then keep walking in his ways even after you have reached your limits of patience, trust, work, joy, love, mercy, etc.

·       Be patient and wait for God’s faithfulness, but while you wait also prepare for it’s manifestation.

·       Patience neutralizes stress.

·       Be as forgiving of others as you are of yourself. Be as patient with others as God is with you.

·       Love never fails and truth always wins. Until then we are simply waiting for the results to be turned in.
·       The Apostle Paul was rejected in synagogue after synagogue and was driven from multiple cities until he was arrested and decapitated. Paul’s life and ministry could be considered a catastrophe. But, the fact remains, it was not.

·       Do you understand Paul’s words to Timothy when he said, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”? Are you really ready for that?
·       Maintain your peaceful disposition and a productive situation by trusting in God.

·       Strife ultimately comes from selfishness. So, peace comes when everyone is considerate of others.

·       Organization is foundational for peace.

·       A quarrel can be ended in one of two ways: 1) Say “I’m sorry,” 2) Forgive and forget.

·       Have you considered making your life simpler?
·       Realize that just as you have influence on other people, you are also influence by the people you allow yourself to be close to.

·       Smile and be kind to other people. This creates a fertile environment both internally and externally.

·       People want to listen to happy, confident people who care about others and like to have fun.

·       When you lovingly share truth with someone keep their views, experiences and needs in perspective.

·       When you know your course and purpose, praise from people should be graciously acknowledged, but quickly dismissed as irrelevant.

·       Interact with people today by showing them respect, compassion and interest in their thoughts and life.

·       Be as forgiving of others as you are of yourself. Be as patient with others as God is with you.

·       Help people smile, do good and speak words filled with hope.

·       Class is in session whenever people are observing you.

·       Help people smile. Make them feel good. Refresh them with laughter.

·       You can avoid stress by lowering your unnecessary expectations and turning away from things and people that do not matter.

·       God does not call us ‘sheep’ because we are fluffy.
·       You must keep going. You must try. If you do not, you cannot.

·       Besides faith and obedience the most important thing is diligence. Faith. Obedience. Diligence. These three produce results.

·       Persistence has proven to be important in prayer, business, relationships, ministry, athletics and any endeavor that results in success.
·       Perspective is influenced by time, distance and emotional connection.

·       When you lovingly share truth with someone keep their views, experiences and needs in perspective.

·       Today is 24 hours. This week is seven days. This year is 52 weeks. But, you are eternal and forever is a long, long time.

·       Do not entertain the concept that your view of life and your understanding of origin, purpose and destiny do not affect your behavior and interaction with others.

·       Season grace and truth with joy and perspective.
·       Always remember that God has always had a plan. And, that plan is still intact at this particular time in history.

·       Find the purpose and focus on achieving it. There, that’s the plan. Come back when you are done.

·       Commit to a plan and execute the fundamentals. In the course of time this produces success.

·       Draw near to God with your thoughts, desires, plans, words and deeds.

·       Establish a goal. Identify it as the target towards which your planning, training and effort moves towards.
·       Do not serve money.

·       The desire for unnecessary things is a distraction and the worry about non-issues is a waste of emotional energy.
·       Maintaining contentment becomes more difficult as material possessions increase.

·       Paul told Timothy to be content with what he had but he told the Philippians he himself was pressing on because he was not content with who he was or what he had accomplished. So, an adequate amount of possessions can be attained, but we should never be satisfied with our level of personal development or accomplishment.

·       Try enjoying what you have instead of striving to get something else. Realize that even if you have all that you need and all that you want there will always be something to chase and distract you from contentment. Learn to stop. Learn to enjoy what you have and who you are.

·       The backpack of our life can get too full and too heavy with things we collect in an attempt to make ourselves happy. But, instead the weight of this backpack makes us miserable as we try to carry it every day.

·       A yearning for physical wealth has replaced our longing for spiritual maturity.
·       Thankfulness opens your eyes to the positive potential of your circumstances.

·       Nothing is beyond the reach of those who do not consider themselves above any assignment.
The power is in the message, not in the presentation.
When you know your course and purpose, praise from people should be graciously acknowledged, but quickly dismissed as irrelevant.
·       Chose to help someone today. Be the answer to prayer. Speak words that change hearts.

·       When you have prayed for yourself, take time to make requests in prayer for things that are in line with God’s will for others.

·       Read a prayer, recite a prayer or quote one of the Psalms when you can’t pray or have nothing to say in prayer.

·       Ask God for wisdom and for fruitful growth in your life.

·       The less you pray the more distance you feel between you and God, but the more you ask, the closer your relationship with God becomes and the more your prayers will be answered.

·       Learn the value of the three step technique: praying, trusting and giving thanks. This triad-technique should be used to apply counter-pressure to the bad, the evil and the hopelessness of life.

·       To achieve God’s goal for your life learn his word and consistently ask him to lead you, deliver you and provide you with strength.

·       Prayer is crucial, but so is planning, preparation and performance. When I read the Book of Acts, the thing that impresses me is not Paul’s prayer life, but his tireless labor and continuous effort.

·       Pray for people each day.

·       Speak to God during the day.

·       Pray. Pray often. Pray about the good things. Pray about concerns. Pray for others. Pray for yourself. Pray for godliness. Pray for opportunities. Pray to understand. Pray often. Pray.

·       Pray for others what you pray for yourself.

·       The dynamics of any situation or relationship are effected anytime you pray about that situation or relationship.

·       God knows:
The situation you are facing

The answer you are seeking

The past you are leaving

The needs you are lacking

The future you are entering

The ministry you are completing

The people you are loving

God knows, so ask him for help, direction, clarity, provision, protection, ability, opportunity and compassion.
·       The power is in the message, not in the presentation.

·       The mystery is revealed by the Spirit, not by an articulate orator.
·       Be patient and wait for God’s faithfulness, but while you wait also prepare for it’s manifestation.

·       Take the approach that hardships are simply a form of training preparing us for a future that has not yet been revealed.

·       Prayer is crucial, but so is planning, preparation and performance. When I read the Book of Acts, the thing that impresses me is not Paul’s prayer life, but his tireless labor and continuous effort.

·      Preparation increases confidence.

·       Prepare your words, a strategy and have a resolution ready before you enter into a conflict or a confrontation.

·       Prepare and practice before every performance.
Your priorities determine how you spend your time and energy. Or, said another way, your time and energy reveal your priorities.
·       When there is a problem or a complaint you are already starting to resolve the situation by listening.

·       Instead of finding fault, find resolution. Finding fault is only going to widen the gulf, but searching for resolution begins to build the bridge.
·       It is amazing what you can do when you do what God wants done.

·       Don’t confuse style with results. Skill and production work together, but they are not synonyms. You can have great style and be tremendously skillful, but still not be producing the desired results. Wisdom knows the difference because wisdom knows both the reason and the goal.

·       Know the difference between stretching yourself to accomplish your purpose and overextending yourself with stress and counter-productive activity. The difference is as clear as stretching before a workout and a torn muscle that ends your season.

·       The most productive way is to obey. Just like it is best to do the job right the first time.

·       As a believer your eternal hope is secure. Since your future is established, begin living a productive, fruitful life now, here today.

·       You have to inhale the Word of God through study and teaching in order to exhale the Word of God in your attitude, words and fruitful production.

·       Maintenance of your relationship with the Lord through confession, obedience, prayer and the daily inhale of his Word are the source of your power, growth and production.

·       The most productive way is to obey. Just like it is best to do the job right the first time.

·       Maintain your peaceful disposition and a productive situation by trusting in God.

·       Creating and criticizing are opposites. So, when you experience the desire to be negative and critical, choose instead to be creative and productive.

·       Productive Christian faith must believe something True.

·       Our responsibility is to wait faithfully for Jesus while we serve him productively.
·       When you can’t hit perfection, aim for progress!

·       Every small movement forward and every small improvement is the victory of a battle in the midst of a greater war.

·       Don’t confuse style with results. Skill and production work together, but they are not synonyms. You can have great style and be tremendously skillful, but still not be producing the desired results. Wisdom knows the difference because wisdom knows both the reason and the goal.
Avoid stress for yourself and disappointment for others by never promising things that you can’t do, things you won’t do or things you don’t have time to do.
·       You yourself have been created by God. Now use that creation for the purpose God intended.

·       Find God and you will find meaning and purpose.

·       What is success? It is identifying and fulfilling a valuable purpose.

·       Find the purpose and focus on achieving it. There, that’s the plan. Come back when you are done.

·       God’s purpose for you in life most likely includes some form of service to others.

·       Your goal, your purpose, your dream will always include the answer to the question, “Who can I help?”

·       Instead of pointing out a problem, fix it. Instead of talking about the solution, do it.

·       To achieve God’s goal for your life learn his word and consistently ask him to lead you, deliver you and provide you with strength.

·       Know the difference between stretching yourself to accomplish your purpose and overextending yourself with stress and counter-productive activity. The difference is as clear as stretching before a workout and a torn muscle that ends your season.

·       Do not compare yourself to others. But, instead be yourself, fulfill your purpose and encourage others.

·       If God has called you to a purpose, he will also prepare and equip you for that purpose.

·       Your purpose and motivation are clarified during times of challenge and confusion. Press on!

·       You must know your purpose and have assurance that the Lord is with you.

·       God’s will for a believer is sometimes identified by their passions.
·       Read books for knowledge and inspiration.

·       Take time to read about history.

·       Your soul needs wholesome nourishment, just like your body needs healthy food. Think, read, listen, study and watch wholesomeness. 
·       Like a musical instrument, keep yourself in tune with reality.

·       Do not pretend bad is not bad, or that evil is not evil.

·       Everyone fails. Everyone feels disappointed. Everyone could be better. Welcome to reality. The difference is some people move on past failure and feelings to actually become better.

·       Nothing can be more Real and True than the Word of God that created and sustains our universe.

·       Carnal weapons such as tradition, philosophy, ritual and entertainment will not penetrate the fortress of false reality barricading the human soul.
·       An engine needs refueled. A battery needs recharged. The shelves of a store need restocked. Likewise, a man needs to replenish what he depletes in himself while he fulfills his purpose in life.

·       Help people smile. Make them feel good. Refresh them with laughter.
·       Providing maintenance to relationships is as important as establishing relationships.

·       As a leader combine strength and love in your relationships.

·       Do not compare yourself to others. But, instead be yourself, fulfill your purpose and encourage others.
·       Do not let religion and ritual replace relationship and reality.

·       Hearing and understanding God’s Word is essential for any true religious experience.

·       Sinful man is more attracted to false teaching and religious ritual than to renewing his mind to the Word of God.

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